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Scientists in CASO

All CASO's items are products made from pure natural medicinal plants extracts with the philosophy of the CASO's founder, Dr. Ha, Joungsu, that to Catalyze Self Ordering is the best therapeutics.

Centering on Prof. Dr. Ha Joungsu, who studied at Berlin University in Germany

and worked as a professor at Moscow University

(Director of the CASO-Korea Natural Ingredients Research Institute) ,

Russian Biochemist Prof. Dr. T.B Bukinich and


Dr. Volker Lassen who further developed the healing principle of “Kiefernnadelbad in Nassau” in Germany,

each established CASO in their mother country in 1999

and extracted and used natural ingredients on the human body without using chemical ingredients, ,


launching a product development project that increases self-immunization power.

R&D and branding was performed by CASO-Germany;

the extraction of crude oil including natural oil, by CASO-Russia;

and the extraction of wormwood essence and food development, by CASO-Korea.


CASO- Korea

manufactures quasi-drugs and food items containing natural ingredients,

and CASO- Germany

manufactures medicine and medical supplies.  

CASO’s products

made through 20 years of research and efforts poured into technology development,

include over 10 kinds of natural healing agents made with pine needles and wormwood effective and safe to the human body.

We have succeeded in developing health functional food, including diabetes patient meal and sugars for diabetes patients, special-purpose food, and 10 types of growth-accelerating general food,


and own the technology to use natural nourishing ingredients

through consistent R&D.

Catalyst to Self Ordering… It’s CASO..!!!

CASO presents nature in place of chemical ingredients.

• We offer self-treatment catalyzing products to improve and increase self-immunization.

• We help customers use essential goods safely and easily.     

Toll Manufacturing

Due to our technological capability and capacities, we are able to mix almost all which is soluble in or miscible with water.

These services can be offered both for liquid (concentrate) or solid (powder) products. We have more than 20 years of experience in handling of sensitive substances and ambitious formulations. Our customers can benefit from this experience.

Solids (Powders)
Liquids (Concentrates)


Ask us ...

  • if you intend to manufacture chemical formulations without having capacities or capabilities available,

  • if you sell products outside your core business which you do not want to manufacture by yourself but which could be manufactured outside your company under your supervision and according to your formulae,

  • if products should be part of your business in the future but you will not be able to produce them economically anymore,

  • if you are forced to invest to continue your manufacturing process or if you be obliged to improve it,

  • if you intend to go on with products with decreasing annual volumes,

  • if new rules and/or regulations make your production process more expensive. 

Our technological prowess and skills can combine virtually anything that dissolves in water or mixed with water.

This service is available for both liquid (concentrate) and solid (powder) products. With our over 20 years of experience in prescribing sensitive substances and bold prescriptions, our customers will enjoy the benefits.


- Solid (Powder)
- Liquid (Concentrate)

Ask us anything.

- Researching new products: Trying new manufacturing with a new recipe.
- Does not want to sell products at locations besides the core business site but is selling those that can be manufactured outside the company under the direct supervision

- The product must be included in your business but no longer can afford to manufacture the product
- Need to invest or improve investment to continue the manufacturing procedure
- Want to continue to launch products that increase annual sales
- The manufacturing process became more expensive because of a new rule or regulation.

© 2020  by  Proudly created with CASO Dom Ltd.

법인명(상호) : 농업회사법인 (주)카소돔 / 주소 : 55562 전북 무주 무풍 대덕산로 389  

사업자 등록번호 안내 [418-81-29658]  개인정보관리책임자 : 카소돔(  / 대표 : 권현남

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