CASO Dom Ltd.
Catalyst to Self Ordering (CASO)은
1. What is a Catalyst to Self Ordering?
1) Meeting Arranged by Faith
In 1855, Dr. Haupt established a small bathing sanatorium in a forest 10 km away from the center of Nassau, Germany. Dr. Haupt invented the “pine needle fumigation therapy and bathing therapy” at the Kiefernnadelbad to treat skin diseases, arthritis, gout, and respiratory diseases.
Further developed, this therapy has been widely used in Germany. In Moscow and Siberia, pine needles have been used in sauna and treatment since the late 19th century. CASO was launched to change the perception of treatment methods and approaches.

2) Disease, Nature, and Healing
A safe new treatment agent born through collaboration among top scholars!!
1In 1995, we developed a 21st-century bioengineering technique that self-treats pathogens that occur through abnormal proliferation in the human body by activating normal bacteria through the collaboration of Former Visiting Prof. Dr. Ha Joungsu and Prof. Dr. T. B. Bukinich at Moscow University, Prof. Dr. Volker Lassen at Berlin University in Germany, and Prof. Dr. Hong Won-hui and Dr. Jang Ho-ham of KAIST.
- To that end, we began developing a safe skin trouble treatment agent harmless to the human body. Through long periods of research, we selected ingredients that kill the pathogen, developed a method for extracting active ingredients, and established a blending technique.

3) Superficial Incidents and the Real World
After searching for a company that could manufacture its 21st-century bioengineering products that over 10 prestigious biochemists at Berlin University (Germany), Moscow University (Russia), and KAIST (Korea) researched and developed for over 10 years, CASO established its own company for the purpose of quality management.
CASO was now able to manufacture reliable, high-quality products.
4) 믿을 수 있는 원료를 직접 재배 하는 정성!

CASODom is an agricultural corporation that connects the city with forestry households and farming communities. We provide added value to the Muju region’s specialty products. Responding to the demands and needs of urban consumers, we research, develop, and commercialize products. We are a company responsible for the entire process of production—from the growing of ingredients to manufacturing and sales.
We own a natural ingredient research institute that specializes in the research and development of specialty products, including wormwood, painted maple sap, sap from various trees, and apple tree. Moreover, we have acquired certification for environment-friendliness, grassroots business, 6th industrial company, agricultural convergence business, HACCP, and FSSC22000.
We continue to conduct R&D specializing in the commercialization of sap processed food and various agricultural specialty products and the development of technology to granularize sticky liquid.
Remaining faithful to the company logo, “CASO (Catalyst to Self-Ordering),” we will develop natural healing catalysts to help the human body increase its immunization power and maintain a healthy life.
농림부에서 선정한
사업자 인증 기업!

농가소득 향상
고용창출의 장

CASO’s vision, “to deliver value to all stakeholders as a responsible corporate citizen that provides high quality, affordable medicines and products globally’, encapsulates the Group’s inherent approach of conducting business ethically, with integrity and with a commercial wisdom which strives to enhance the economic and social well-being of its investors, employees, customers and business partners.
CASO recognises that doing business in a sustainable manner is imperative to ensuring the its future viability, as such sustainability considerations underpin Aspen’s strategy and are integrated into its day-to-day-activities.
Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften sehen wir als Pflicht gegenüber der heutigen, aber auch gegenüber zukünftigen Generationen. Die Dirk Höfer Chemie bemühte sich deshalb von Anbeginn an ökonomische und ökologische Ziele in Einklang zu bringen. Es gilt sozialer Verantwortung gegenüber Mitarbeitern und externen Stakeholdern nachzukommen und den Ressourcen- und Energieeinsatz zu optimieren.
Dieser verantwortungsvolle Umgang mit Ressourcen bildet die Grundlage bei allen unternehmerischen Tätigkeiten. Die finanzielle Stabilität des Unternehmens gilt es zu stärken, um den Mitarbeitern einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz zu bieten und Geld für Innovationen und Investitionen zu haben. Außerdem bilden wir aus, um unserer regionalen Verantwortung Rechnung zu tragen und junge Menschen zu fördern.
In einem internationalen Team nutzen wir die Potenziale einer vielfältigen Belegschaft, um uns täglich weiterzuentwickeln. Nur durch das Streben nach ständiger Erneuerung ist es uns möglich innovative Produkte und Verfahrensweisen zu entwickeln, die ihren Beitrag zum globalen Klimaschutz leisten können und unseren Kunden einen Mehrwert bieten.
Zudem haben wir als Dirk Höfer Chemie von Beginn an auf grüne Energie gesetzt und besitzen u.a. eine Photovoltaikanlage, welche es uns erlaubt, einen Teil unseres Stroms selbst zu produzieren.